V2E33 – Gag Order

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In my opinion, as a citizen and a taxpayer, and a card carrying member of the ACLU…

US Supreme Court Limits Public Employees 1st amendment rights
US Beltway Sniper Found Guilty of killing Six, spared from death
King George Outa touch…go figure! He did read while the towers burned!
I'm no joey but XMEN kicked box office ass!

http://www.myspace.com/xmenthelaststand & http://www.x-menthelaststand.com/

Music from the Podsafe Music Network:
Chachi On Acid – The wrong people shut the fuck up
Life Has Teeth – Shit Outta Luck
Summer Rose – Liar
Lily with an ATTITUDE – The Alice Project

V2E32 – Back to work

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Earth Quakes – what can I do to help?;
Bloomberg wants US worker's DNA on file;
I got permission to play this…and help the impeach King George movement!; Impeachement, now that's the way to start a work week!!
Start the week with something fun…like shaving!

Responce to those Affected by the Earthquake in Indonesia:
http://www.interaction.org/indonesia/ ;
Impeach them now!
http://www.impeachteam.com/ ;
Just had to share…

Music from the Podsafe Music Network:
1922 by jon crocker;
Come on England – emo girl remix by Testosterone;
The Demon's Eye by Mountain Mirrors

V2E31 – prequil to the grill

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Relax today, prepare for the insanity of the grill tomorrow ya'all; Only three more shows for the month of podcasts a day…then on to the new server!

Tips for having Vegetarians to your Memorial Day Barbeques: http://vegetarian.about.com/od/cookingt … vegbbq.htm

Black bean Burgers: http://vegetarian.about.com/od/maindish … Burger.htm

Music from the Podsafe Music Network:
Never Say Die – Barry McCabe;
Angel Tear – Hellozero;
Hit and Run – Whoremoan;

Progressive politics & more…