Kamala Harrisy

It’s been 3 years, 6 months, and 6 days under the most patriotic president America has seen in decades. Joe Biden has relinquished his campaign for re-election, recognizing the new political reality and the shifting needs of the country. Kamala Harris has accepted Biden’s nomination, as well as almost unanimous endorsement from all of his established delegates. The DNC still has not officially established a presidential nominee, but hopes and energy are very high.

Other Titles Considered

  • Soft Mulch Millennials
  • Shellfish Lovers
  • Couch it for Now

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Daddy Hug Me

It’s been 3 years, 5 months, and 29 days under the conniving and COVID-positive left-center regime that only allows the most enlightened of centrist views in to the discussion. Despite this obvious social media false-front, we continue to push the message of the people forward!

Other Titles Considered

  • J.V. Dance
  • Windage
  • Crowds on Strike

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Weekend at Biden’s

It’s been 3 years, 5 months, and 22 days under the virile and capable Biden Administration, now that he’s got an earlier bedtime. The debate fallout continues with no-name Democrats trying to earn a reputation by calling for Biden to withdraw, but Biden has committed to the long haul.

Other Titles Considered

  • Don’t RFK Yourself
  • Be Gay Do Crime
  • Putin on the Ritz

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Greeding Rainbow

It’s been 3 years, 5 months, 15 days  under the mature, thoughtful, meticulous, and steadfast leadership of President Biden, who took a lot of valid criticism this week after the recent ‘debate’, and he called a meeting with Democrat Leadership to address those concerns. The leaders left feeling confident in Biden, remarking on his preparedness and focus.

Other Titles Considered

  • Unitary Tract Infection
  • All-U-Can-Eat Leopard Buffet
  • Moon The Flag
  • Gag on The Ds

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