Category Archives: podcast

Tactical Ethics

1 Year and 35 days later, and we’re upgrading the bunker. We have a new mixing board, which leads to all sorts of fun audio problems. We also did a podcast!

Featured in today’s podcast:

    • Gun Legislation is Proposed
    • Legislation is not Law
    • Also, other things happened

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Thoughts and Meh

1 Year and 28 days later, and we’ve had an unfortunately exciting week. We have an incredibly full bunker, and, honestly, we’re a bit sloppy this week. Please bear with us.

Featured in today’s podcast:

    • We open the show FOR THE LAST TIME with the Gun Access/Control issue
    • We have a rather full house, but everyone stays civilized for the most part
    • So many travelers strike out this week

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The Earth Bowl

Its been 1 Year and 21 days, and memos plague our Illustrious Leader! He decided last week that memos are good, but this weeks memo was just too damn long. We also discuss the lack of consistency in the GOP and how few words the Comrade has for you.

Featured in today’s podcast:

    • SHOTS! And Discussion
    • Tesla is weird
    • Flat Earthers are on to something. (Mushrooms. They’re on mushrooms)

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State of Dis Union


Its been 1 Year and 2 weeks, and Our Illustrious Leader has finally given us his first State of the Union. And he created an incredible precedent of making a false statement every 4.5 minutes. Outstanding, Mr President! Also, someone published a meaningless memo.

Featured in today’s podcast:

    • Is it a lie if the memo doesn’t matter?
  • The State of our Union is “Strong”
  • Infrastructure is hard

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Agree to Disagree

Its been 1 Year and 1 week, and this week is full of disagreements! We’ve got a full house, with the Wanderer, the Canadian, and the Maverick joining in. While not common, we all actually have different opinions on a number of issues, and this week we hash them out.

Featured in today’s podcast:

  • Is the President Intelligent?
  • Does Mueller’s Investigation even matter?
  • How angry can the Comrade get?

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Little Button that Could

Its been 1 Year and 1 day since the President took office. One Year. But we’re not slowing down, and we’re Staying Positive. All of us Practical Liberals need to band together, and make our voices heard. Thank you all for listening, and stick around for the next leg of this journey!

Featured in today’s podcast:

  • Our Illustrious Leader keeps lowering that bar
  • /r/Garlicoin

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V355 – Little Button that Could

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Bad Broken Countries

This week, we cover the President’s opinion on countries with lower economic status, possible profiteering by the Trump family, and the President declares the 15th a holiday in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Featured in today’s podcast:

  • The Wanderer learns about the beautiful bounds of the Internet
  • The Comrade feels long-winded tonight
  • The Revolutionary recommends a beer

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V354 – Bad Broken Countries

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Sloppy Steve

-Be 2016
-Trump 4 Pres
-Reality star gets elected
-One year later, nothing different, nothing new
-Reality star still yelling stupid stuff
-We ask him what he needs
-About 350 days

Featured in today’s podcast:

  • A recap of the last year (not a whole lot)
  • The Revolutionary and the Canadien feel pity for the Pres (the Comrade doesn’t)
  • The Wanderer plays Roy Moore’s Lawyer

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V353 – Sloppy Steve

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In His Words

It’s been 344 days, and its been one full year of the One Man Revolution Vol 3! The Revolutionary, the Comrade, and the Admiral round out this most exciting of years with a reading of the President’s own words. We celebrate this year’s highlights in the news, and the Inquisitor is dead. Long live the Inquisitor.

Featured in today’s podcast:

  • Tweets are not policy
  • Milo can’t write
  • Freestyle is an underrated podcast format

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V352 – In His Words

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One for the Money

It’s been 337 days, and we’re all a little worse for the wear. The GOP thinks they’ve fixed the entire economic system in one Tax Bill, and the President gets to sign a shiny piece of paper. We also discuss judges not understanding their job, John ain’t Papa no more, and teh real numbers on the new Tax Plan.

Featured in today’s podcast:

  • We don’t have an HR Department
  • We also actually have fun
  • We get a little salty about hypocrisy in DC (Again)

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V351 – One for the Money

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