The Benchwarmers [***]

I just returned from the sneak peek premiere of “The Benchwarmers” with Rob Schneider, David Spade, and Jon Heder. I went in with trepidation because the trailers made it look like another fart joke and kicking balls comedy. Although there is always a time and place for these type of movies, I generally avoid them.

The story focuses on a trio of guys that try and make up for missed opportunities in childhood by forming a three-player baseball team to compete against standard little league squads.

It is a heartwarming and honestly funny story about dealing with bullies and being bullied and how sportsmanship can change young minds. I dont know about you but I have had my run-ins with bullies and poor sports.

I was pleasantly surprised. I actually liked it; I give it 3 out of 5 Revolutionary Stars. *** (Thats a strong renter if you miss it in the theaters.) There are also quite a few quotes that will become part of the common lexicon soon! It may also become a cult hit.

Joey and I podcast about the movie on Tuesday night. So, we said a couple of words in promotion before the movie and had the massive swag distribution that makes going to a RavenLoches sneak peek famous!

RavenLoches Entertainment was a sponsor of the sneak peek (along with 102 Jamz, Real Radio 104.1, and Brighthouse) and we a good time. Thanks for coming out!!

For those who missed this preview, head over to and listen to the RavenLoches Entertainment Podcast for up to date news about whats coming up next.

Podcast OMR-V2E2


[0:00] Intro

[1:15] Music: The Happy Song, Sunspot

[2:49]Top Stories
One Man on MySpace too, are you:

TrueMajority, Progress Action Fund, Wes Pac, Nasty genocide in the Sudan

Movie: The Benchwarmers, April 6th PREMIERE Fashion Square

[14:43] Music: Odd Prime, Rising Conviction

[18:47] Feature: Loose Change 911, I want you to watch and judge for yourself. go now….watch the film, 1:21 at … pause me …

[25:50] Question everything:
Do one of these things…Be Revolutionary

MySpace Social Network:


[28:49] Music: Digging, Smeer

[34:30] Copyright: 2006 Piney Point Studios ARR

Tell Your House Representative To Pass H.R. 550 As Written

In the next two weeks there will be a final push to get H.R. 550, a bill introduced by Rep. Holt of New Jersey, on the House floor. H.R. 550 would protect the integrity of our elections by requiring a voter verified paper record of every vote, requiring mandatory random hand counted audits to verify the accuracy of electronic tallies, which is the only way to ever conduct an audit we can trust. It will also prohibit the use of secret software and wireless communication devices in voting machines.

Do it NOW…if the King had it his way he'd abolish the whole process and appoint his cronies for the rest of time!

Find your representitives and be heard:

Progressive politics & more…