Category Archives: Uncategorized

Episode 38: No More Years!

No More Years!

Score one for the good guys!
Late Wednesday afternoon, the House of Representatives took a vote in the on Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act. They voted 238 to 187 to amend the CJS spending bill by exempting libraries and bookstores from the scope of foreign intelligence records demands under Section 215. This means that the records of our library checkout activities and book buying habits are no longer subject to the act!

Interesting tactics to end run the constitution for political power gain.

H.J.RES.24 ( … res.00024:)
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.
Sponsor: Rep Hoyer, Steny H. [MD-5]
Cosponsors: Rep Berman, Howard L. [CA-28], Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr. [NJ-6], Rep Sabo, Martin Olav [MN-5], Rep Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. [WI-5]

Sensenbrenner makes this so easy!

H.J.RES.42 ( … res.00042:)
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to permit persons who are not natural-born citizens of the United States, but who have been citizens of the United States for at least 35 years, to be eligible to hold the offices of President and Vice President.
Sponsor: Rep Snyder, Vic [AR-2]
Cosponsor: Rep Shays, Christopher [CT-4]

Be sure to contact those folks that are supposed to be representing you in Washington! If you are not part of the revolution you are part of the problem. Get involved or get oppressed by the King!!

Special thanks to Revolutionary McGraw from Vital Podcasts

Episode 37: Energy Policy for the rest of us

It all started when I went to . I wanted to hear some US policy strait from the horse?s ass mouth. I ended up on a quest that lead back to big energy in the guise of energy conservation.

According to his weekly radio address, President G. W. Bush (King George) is speaking today before the Energy Efficiency Forum. This is annual gathering with the prominent sponsorship by Johnson Controls and the United States Energy Association, USEA (a member of the World energy Council, WEC)

I support energy efficiency, heck I even use an electric lawn mower to eliminate my contribution of green house gasses from two stroke engines. So I thought ?heck? here?s an issue that King George and I agree. Man, was I wrong!

I did a little digging. It turns out that the whole thing is a gathering of big oil, natural gas, coal and energy companies that have us all by a strangle hold. All discussion about renewable energy is just window dressing, just a way to appease those of us that are for solar, biodiesel, hydrogen, and other alternative sources that could unhook our dependence on oil.

Every time I think that I can find an issue that I can get behind our current administration, I get kicked in the family jewels. At least I know that we as a collective can band together and revolt against the control of our energy policy by those that put their interests and the interests of the few before those of the people and the planet.

Stick it in your ears, this one is an eye opener!

Supporting documents: President?s Weekly Radio Address Energy Efficiency Forum USEA WEC

President?s Energy Policy Outlined in May 17, 2001 link Look at June 8, 10, 15 2005, Material related to Mr. Phillip A Cooney?s recent press for modifying documents to eliminate references to the damage of greenhouse gasses to the planet and his new job. Information on DIY Biodiesel Great resource (some dead links) U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Home Page (Why not?) Where would we be without Schoolhouse Rock?
?.and I know I am no Jack Sheldon!

Keeping Score? Courts 0, Jackson 3

Episode 36: Not Guilty on all Counts

June 13, 2005, SANTA MARIA, California: Michael Jackson found not guilty on all counts. (CNN)

OMR SPECIAL REPORT including the verdict read by the jury foreperson, the charges explained, and the family pack of Not Guilty verdicts.

Why was this trial such a big deal? Two words; fame and fortune. Americans can't get enough of the sex, drugs, and pop & roll surrounding this case. We just love beating up on the famous and rich.

What will the 24 hour news stations do now for their scintillating news? I say we need to start impeachment proceedings on Bush and Cheney. That would be a circus I?d want to watch!

Verdict Podcast

Sensenbrenner adjourns committee

Episode 35: Sensenbrenner adjourns committee. We live in dark times!

Episode 35: Dark Times

On Friday June 10th, James Sensenbrenner , Wisconsin?s Republican 5th District Representative and the Chairman of the House Judicial Subcommittee, halted the committee session hearing discussion about the expansion and renewal of the sun-setting sections of the USA PATRIOT Act. (Note: the site doesn?t mention this at time of this posting) (Full text of the USA Patriot Act), (Expiring sections with descriptions)

This is inexcusable!

The greatest part is that it was videoed and broadcast on CSPAN-2. In the video, no matter how much the members of the committee called ?point of order? and asked for the ?gentleman to yield? Mr. Sensenbrenner just ignored them. (Video: Part 1, Part 2 ) Quite a power play not the way the process is supposed to work. Hats off to Mr. Nadler, Mr. Scott, and Ms. Jackson-Lee, thank you for your representation in this matter. Keep up your great work.

Make yourself heard call your representatives through the Capital Switchboard (202) 224-3121, and if you like call Mr. Sensenbrenner here is his office address 2449 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 and phone number (202) 225-5101.

In this podcast I comment the audio from the videos. Giving my views on this reprehensible behavior from Mr. Sensenbrenner and the fallout after committee session was halted by him. I also explore the other exploits in the recent record of Mr. Sensenbrenner (link).

Shame on you Mr. Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin).

PATRIOT Act? Sounds more like the Gestapo!

Episode 34

Direct link to Episode 34

OMR, ACLU, and EFF oppose the expansion of the Patriot Act.

? ACLU Position (link )
? EFF Position, Better SAFE then a PATRIOT (link )

Constitutional basis:

Bill of rights of US Constitution does not allow unlawful search and seizure in 4th amendment

?The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.?

The 4th amendment is based on Based in 17th C. British law from the landmark case of Entick v. Carrington. One of a series of civil actions against state officers who, pursuant to general warrants, had raided many homes and other places in search of materials connected with John Wilkes' polemical pamphlets attacking not only governmental policies but the King himself.

Entick, an associate of Wilkes, sued because agents had forcibly broken into his house, broken into locked desks and boxes, and seized many printed charts, pamphlets and the like. In an opinion sweeping in terms, the court declared the warrant and the behavior it authorized subversive ''of all the comforts of society,'' and the issuance of a warrant for the seizure of all of a person's papers rather than only those alleged to be criminal in nature ''contrary to the genius of the law of England.'' Besides its general character, said the court, the warrant was bad because it was not issued on a showing of probable cause and no record was required to be made of what had been seized. Entick v. Carrington, the Supreme Court has said, is a ''great judgment,'' ''one of the landmarks of English liberty,'' ''one of the permanent monuments of the British Constitution,'' and a guide to an understanding of what the Framers meant in writing the Fourth Amendment.

All well and good, but what can we do about it?

Contact your representatives? offices and be heard.

How to:
1. Call Congress today. To look up your Representative's and Senators' direct numbers click here, or you can call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
2. Send a letter like this one from the ACLU (link )

[Example Letter]

Dear [Decision Maker],
I urge you to oppose expansion of the Patriot Act. As your constituent, I urge you to oppose expansion of the Patriot Act. The PATRIOT Act is an attack on fundamental American values. It needs to be reformed, not expanded.

People across the country have made clear their opposition to the Patriot Act. Hundreds of communities have passed resolutions against the Patriot Act and held town hall meetings to discuss its impact on their residents and our Constitution. Congress should not be tone-deaf to these serious concerns.

There are significant flaws in the Patriot Act, flaws that threaten our fundamental freedoms by giving the government the power to access to medical records, tax records, information about the books we buy or borrow without probable cause, and the power to break into our homes and conduct secret searches without telling us for weeks, months, or indefinitely.

Finally, I believe that the PATRIOT Act is an attack on fundamental American values and that it needs to be fixed. The Constitution and its Bill of Rights emphasize the need for checks and balances on government agents and limits to their power. I understand that the PATRIOT Act rolled back key judicial oversight and gave law enforcement significant new powers that go beyond the war on terrorism. Reforming this legislation would be an important step in bringing the PATRIOT Act back in line with American values.

Once again, I strongly urge you to oppose expansion of the PATRIOT Act.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this very important matter.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

We must stop this tyranny NOW!

BtB Podcast

Back to business!

One Man Revolution is returning to our roots! Liberal stumping at its best from the card-carrying ACLU member and breakthrough podcaster, The Revolutionary – Dan Novatnak.

Upcoming episodes will include:
> Interviews with Authors from both the left and right
> Hard hitting investigations into our government and big businesses in action (or inaction)
> Insane conspiracy theories (either debunking or proposing)
> The best unsigned artists

… And much, much more!

Keep tuned!

Also look for new shows as part of our growing network of all-star podcasters!

Back to Business

Since Wednesday is the beginning of the month of June, please go vote for One Man Revolution on Podcast Alley and Podcast Pickle !

Now, back to your regular scheduled programming.

Episode III Revenge of the Sith

If you were one of the individuals that joined us at the Aloma Cinema Grill, thank you. If not, You missed a great event! Much fun was had by all and the amount of prizes awarded was unprecidented.

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